Sometimes musical artists release albums named after the age at which they wrote or recorded the material. In that spirit, I have released a small compilation of Wampus material to DriveThru as a pay-what-you-want pdf in celebration of my forty-first birthday.
Tome Forty-One: Theriospheric Transfigurations contains an assortment of animal-themed material from the blog (including a mess of spells) supplemented by some new material (including more new spells).
Perhaps next year I'll manage
Tome Forty-Two; also in consideration, combining material generated by my son (aka The Boy) with some new material inspired by him, and call it
Tome Eleven.
I have a couple other themed article compilations in the hopper, in various stages of completeness. Of these, I expect the one with the hexcrawl appended to be finished last!
New content in 'Tome 41' includes spells about cows. You know you need that. |