Hear now of the great madness of the Owls.
Requirements: DEX 9, CHA 9
Ability Modifiers: None
Ability Min/Max: STR 6/18 (15), DEX 9/18, CON 8/18, INT 7/18, WIS 3/18, CHA 9/18
Pity the puppymonkeybaby, for it is a freakish and twisted creature of chaos. A likely product of magical experimentation (an easy enough explanation for such blasphemy), the puppymonkeybaby seems to be a mix of three species - a poggle-like dogfolk, a small simian, and a human or halfling. Not coincidentally, all three of these races were slave-races to the great and wise owls of the Long Long Ago, if sages are to be believed. In the wild, puppymonkeybabies live in small familial groups, dividing their time between arboreal recreation and foraging on the ground.
On a good day, a puppymonkeybaby is childlike, happy, and cooperative; on a bad day, it is petty, self-centered, and whiny. Perhaps it is the poggle in them, or the means by which they were originally created, but puppymonkeybabies tend toward Chaos. Some few are Neutral, and may even glom on to human "friends", attempting to help them by hand-delivering beverages, but in the end the fickle and childish puppymonkeybaby typically bursts into a rage over some small or imagined slight. When dealing with human society, some wear kilts or dhotis, but in the wilds of the trees, puppymonkeybabies like to let their stuff fly free, the better to strike horror and revulsion into the hearts of their neighbors.
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A "tame" puppymonkeybaby, in use as a serving-lad. |
Puppymonkeybabies may not use large and two-handed weapons, but they may use weapon and armor as indicated by class. Nevertheless, some puppymonkeybabies eschew heavy armor in favor of their own natural agility and climbing ability.
Puppymonkeybabies can see in the dark with infravision up to 60 feet.
Puppymonkeybabies in Wampus Country can understand the common tongue, but are restricted in their speech. Each puppymonkeybaby knows a number of words - mostly nouns and a few verbs - equal to its Intelligence score; the first three of these must be 'puppy', 'monkey', and 'baby'. Companions of a puppymonkeybaby quickly learn to properly interpret the words used, in context or metaphorically. For example, 'puppy' might be a command to follow today, but tomorrow the little freak is using 'puppy' to mean 'cute' or 'small'; often the slow recitation of 'puppy, monkey, baby' means 'totality' or 'to make whole', and may accompany the use of a healing power. This linguistic restriction has no effect on a puppymonkeybaby cleric's ability to cast spells.
Puppymonkeybabies receive the following saving throw bonuses:
• +2 save versus breath attacks
• +4 save versus wands
• +4 save versus spells or spell-like devices
Puppymonkeybabies are creepy as shit, and as such they receive bonuses to defend against magical effects. In addition, their small size grants them a bonus to finding cover and avoiding breath attacks.
Civilized puppymonkeybabies may select from the following classes, with the indicated level limits.
Class Level Limit
Assassin 7
Cleric 7
Fighter 6
Thief 11
Puppymonkeybaby thieves receive the following bonuses and penalties to thief abilities:
Skill Adjustment
Pick Locks -5%
Find and Remove Traps -5%
Move Silently +5%
Climb Walls +15%
Hide in Shadows +0%